
8 am Chapel
9 am CLC

11 am Nave


Noon Eucharist
Evening Prayer 5:30 pm

Feast Days, as announced

5:30 pm Chapel

Worship With Us

Service Guide for this Sunday (March 30)

8 am: Rite II Prayer Book Eucharist in the Chapel of Christ the King
9 am: The Lord’s Living Room Eucharist in the Great Hall of the Community Life Center
11 am: Choral Eucharist in the Nave


We have three worship services most Sunday mornings at 8 am, 9 am, and 11 am.

At 8 am, we offer an intimate service in our beautiful Chapel of Christ the King. The size and beauty of that space lends itself wonderfully to a simpler service, without music. We each hold the Book of Common Prayer for that service, and listen to the readings rather than use a printed service guide.

At 9 am, people of all ages gather in the Great Hall of the Community Life Center. We have music led by our worship band, with the entire service and music projected on screens to the sides of the altar. There is a large rug rolled out in front of the altar and chairs set up around it. Children are welcome to play in front of the altar during the Liturgy of the Word and a Children’s Message will be offered directly to them before the Abbreviated Adult sermon. After the sermon, children sit with their parents for the Great Thanksgiving. This more casual service is a great way to introduce newcomers to our church especially if they come from less liturgical traditions.

At 11 am, which is the height of St. Mary’s inspiring musical tradition, the full choir will sing accompanied by the organ. We have printed worship guides with all readings and music included. The congregation chants the responses to the Psalm. The Eucharist is offered standing or kneeling at the altar rail. The 11 am service is live-streamed each week and can be found on our YouTube channel.

Children’s Chapel, an offering for young children, takes place during the 11 am service, with children returning to the Nave to receive Communion with their families. Nursery services are offered from 10 am to noon.


Wednesdays at Noon: Holy Eucharist (Rite 1) in the Chapel of Christ the King. This is a contemplative, spoken service without music.

Evening Prayer on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Chapel of Christ the King. This service is under 30 minutes in length and is a wonderful way to praise God after a day at work. On major feast days, it will take the form of Evensong, featuring music and incense.

Major Feasts at 5:30 pm: Holy Eucharist (Rite II) in the Chapel of Christ the King. These festal services include music and incense.

Other services, such as Choral Evensong and worship in the style of Taizé, take place at various times throughout the church year, as announced.

Special Services and Prayers

St Mary’s is a Christian community sustained by prayer. If you are visiting our church, please fill out a Prayer Request Card. If there is someone whom you would like to have remembered in prayer, please let us know. We must have the consent of any and all people on our public prayer lists. You can find more details here.

Holy Communion

We offer communion by drinking from the common cup, or intinction in a separate bowl at all services. To receive by drinking from the common cup, please consume the wafer or bread placed in your palm before the chalice bearer comes to you. If you desire to just receive the bread or wafer, you may leave the station as soon as you have consumed it. To maintain the cleanliness of the Common Cup, no bread or wafer will be dipped into the chalice reserved for drinking.

  • In the Great Hall of the CLC, the station in front of the lectern is for intincting the bread into the bowl, and the one in front of the Altar for receiving by drinking from the Common Cup, or the consecrated bread alone.
  • In the Nave, at the altar rail the long-handled bowl is for intinction, indicated by holding the wafer visibly in your hand, and the chalice is for receiving the Common Cup or the consecrated bread alone.
  • Blessings will be offered at both stations by the clergy for those who choose not to receive the sacrament. If you would like Communion brought to your home by a Lay Eucharistic Visitor, please contact the church office.